Ordering services
The photographer's services can be ordered via telephone contact, personal contact, e-mail or via Facebook messages.
By ordering the services of a photographer, the acceptance of the business conditions and understanding with them is automatically confirmed.
By ordering the services, it is assumed that the client has become acquainted with the photographic style of the photographer and understands him.
Payment for photography
The price of studio and exterior photography is always payable immediately after the end of the photography in cash.
Photography location
Photography takes place either in the studio, outdoors or in any other environment agreed between the photographer and the client. Entrances to buildings and monuments where photography takes place are paid for separately and are always borne by the client.
Late arrival of a client or photographer
The maximum length of the photo shoot is always stated in the price list and cannot be extended or set in any way without the agreement with the photographer.
Late arrival of the client is not a reason to extend the shooting schedule.
If the client is delayed by more than 30 minutes, the photographer is entitled to either cancel the agreed shooting (any deposit paid is forfeited without compensation) or demand payment of CZK 500 for each started hour of waiting for the client's arrival.
Selection of photos
Photos from the studio and exterior are sent for selection via an internet gallery.
The number of photographs that are sent for selection is entirely within the competence of the photographer and is not specifically specified. However, it always guarantees the possibility of sufficient and high-quality selection within the ordered package. However, the photographer is not responsible for the cooperation of all members of the family, and if it is not possible to take enough high-quality photographs within the time allowance, he is not responsible. A large number of photographs sent for selection cannot be enforced in any way or derived from the length or complexity of the photo shoot.
All submitted photos are retouched.
For family photos, crop, contrast, brightness, and color tuning are adjusted. Minor cosmetic defects are removed.
In the case of above-standard interventions (adjustment of teeth, removal of tattoos / stickers and other more demanding retouches), the client is charged an additional CZK 100 for each photograph. This is always consulted with the customer to make it clear whether it is an above-standard retouch or not.
Gift vouchers
Gift vouchers are issued on the basis of ordering this service in the value of individual photographs according to the price list.
Gift vouchers are valid for 6 months. The service must be ordered and used up by the expiration date. This validity date is always stated on the reverse side together with the voucher number.
The service must be exhausted during one photo shoot, the value of the voucher cannot be divided into several parts or into several photoshoots.
If the voucher is not used until it expires, its value will be forfeited in full.
Photo format
Photos are submitted in JPEG format in full resolution.
It is not allowed to publish previews of photographs from the gallery anywhere, nor to further modify them (eg by removing the logo) according to the Copyright Act No. 121/2000 Coll. without the consent of the photographer. They are owned by the photographer and are intended only for the selection of photos for retouching.
All photographs are copyright and property of the photographer and may not be used for any commercial purpose, promotion or sale to a third party without the written consent of the author.
Photographed persons may use photographs for their non-commercial personal presentation.
The photographer is not entitled to publish or otherwise use the photographs without the prior consent of the client. This consent must be given to the photographer in writing by e-mail.
Order delivery date
Studio and exterior orders are handed over no later than 21 calendar days from the selection of photographs (not from the day of taking photos). The selection of photos must be within 14 days from the date of the photo shoot.